Selves is considering a must for the kitchen equipments, it is not only used to maximize the functions of your wall but it can also give you possibility in managing your kitchen interior decorations in attractive design; since you can make a tidy arrangement of your kitchen tools. In this article we will focus on kitchen shelves decorations that make you possible in managing your kitchen tools without reducing the atmosphere of your kitchen.
Kitchen Shelves Decoration |
It is said that an open shelf will make you possible in giving an attractive look to your kitchen, since by applying the open shelves you will be able to show your kitchenware collections which will make you pleased by only looking at them. Some of us might like open shelf less desirable since it can’t be used as your food storage and sometimes it will only make your kitchen cramped and busy; besides applying an open shelf may also be dangerous for those who have children to be taking care of.
Kitchen Shelves Decoration |
In improving your shelf appearance you may play with the color and the lighting. In managing the color of your shelving, we recommend you to add brighter color especially white which will make your kitchen look clean and tidy; but sometimes you can also add contrasts color on your shelving to give a bold effect.
Kitchen Shelves Decoration |
Kitchen Shelves Decoration |
Kitchen Shelves Decoration |
Applying the supporting lighting can also be favorable; you can attach the lighting behind the display so you can create a brighter kitchen that gives a little bit modern taste. To create the maximum effect we recommend you in applying the shelves in a single wall since they will be more convenient without making your house look busy with stuff. You can also add accessories to give feminine touch such as pottery, flower, vases, and even glass ornament.
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